Monday, June 30, 2008

Air Bud: Dog And Pony Show [Wherein The McCain Campaign Has A Former Kerry Swiftboater Defend McCain's War Experience]

This is George Everett "Bud" Day—a former U.S. Air Force pilot who served during the Vietnam War, was a POW cellmate of Sen. John McCain, and spoke out against John Kerry in the above Swift Boat Veterans For Truth ad.

You would think they'd pick a less controversial member of the "McCain Truth Squad" to deal with the recent Wesley Clark non-troversy, but they didn't(!), and so, life is hilarious again.

Despite McCain being one of the first to condemn the ads attacking Kerry's war record in 2004, his campaign had Bud refute Clark's statements during one of their regular conference calls with the press—audio of which can be heard here at tpm election central. In addition to McCain's record, Bud also defended his own participation with SBV's4T saying, "The Swift Boat 'attacks' were simply revelation of the truth."

I hope this makes it on the Daily Show tonight! This is like a "gotcha back quote" for this unfair "gotcha quote."

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